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International crime scene investigators association


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  • August 19, 2024 1:39 PM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    Hey everyone.  First up on the news list are changes to the Board of Directors. Christopher Hill has stepped up and is now President of the Association. Daryl Clemens has moved to a role as Treasurer/Tech Support. Monica Yourgal has taken the Secretary position. Nakia Porter continues as Membership Coordinator, but is also looking at venues for a conference next spring. Gregory Bailey has taken on restarting the Certification process. That project will likely take some time. We'll let you know when it's up and running again. John Paolucci continues as Newsletter/Training Coordinator.

    On the training front, our last webinar was a success and the video should be posted shortly.  We are looking at doing another one in September- if you'd like to suggest a topic, email me or post it in the forum thread(

    John and I will also be doing an in-person Shooting Scene Investigation class in Kent County/Grand Rapids Michigan in October.  It's super affordable and there are still slots left.  You can get all the details and register at:  Please pass this along to any of your contacts who may be interested. We'd love to see some of you there!

    Daryl Clemens, ICSIA Treasurer

  • July 24, 2024 12:57 PM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    The City of Grand Rapids, Michigan has an opening for a crime scene technician.  Follow the link for full details and to apply.

  • March 26, 2024 5:48 PM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    We have a member forum located at:

    I've made the first post there, about webinar topics. Feel free to use the board for anything crime scene related. It's locked to association members only so it can't be browsed by the general public. There is also a subscribe button on that page if you want to be notified about posts.


  • March 17, 2024 10:35 AM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    Due to a scheduling conflict the start time of the upcoming webinar has been pushed back from 1pm to 3pm US Eastern Time on Monday the 25th.  Hope to see you all there.

  • March 16, 2024 3:01 PM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)
    The city of Grand Rapids, Michigan has an opening for a Crime Scene Technician. For more info and to apply visit:
  • March 03, 2024 4:14 PM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    I am pleased to announce that all three candidates have been elected, so please join me in welcoming Gregory Bailey, Susan Moll and Monica Yourgal to the ICSIA Board of Directors. I'll be working on getting them all set up in the next few days, and ready for the board meeting in a couple of weeks.

    In other news, we have another webinar coming up at the end of the month. John Paolucci will be presenting on the expansion of hollow point projectiles after passing through various barriers. Look for an event post on the site shortly.

    Daryl Clemens

  • February 17, 2024 10:35 AM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    Voting for the board candidates is now available. Bio's and voting info can be found here:

    Voting is open to all active members, and will close in a week on Sunday Feb 25.

  • November 22, 2023 12:49 PM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    ICSIA is in need of candidates for the Board of Directors. As a member run organization, all the work required to keep us operating is done by member volunteers- we have no paid staff.  

    We need people to provide direction to the organization, and more importantly to do the actual work that keeps us operating. This includes maintaining the website, planning for training classes and conferences and answering requests from both members and the public.

    To that end, we have posted a request for nominations which you can find here:

  • August 10, 2023 4:07 PM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    The Carson City Sheriff's Office is seeking a CSI/Criminalist. Details below.

    Carson City Criminalist Position.pdf
  • August 09, 2023 1:18 PM | Daryl Clemens (Administrator)

    The FBI Laboratory is conducting web-based questionnaires to gather information on the use of metal detectors and advance geophysical methods (such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), magnetometry, electrical resistivity and more) to search for hidden or buried targets (clandestine graves, weapons, etc.) in criminal investigations.

    Call for Participation_Questionnaires.pdf

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Our goal is to forge connections between law enforcement personnel who's duties include the processing of crime scenes.


Post Office Box 1081

Clayton, NC 27528


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