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International crime scene investigators association

ICSIA - Death Scene Investigation Check List

The Death Scene Investigation Check List is a manual designed to assist officers in their investigation at a crime scene. This manual contains the check lists that are necessary to thoroughly investigate a Death Scene. The manual contains the actual forms and an explanation of the forms. Officers will be able to properly document the scene from the time they are called to the scene until the crime scene is released.

A computer disk is supplied with the manual that has the forms in Microsoft Word 97 format. The disk will allow the user to actually fill in the forms on a computer or print out the blank forms to be used later.

An ideal manual for those agencies that seldom have a questionable death scene. The forms in the manual will prevent you from forgetting any of the issues at a death scene.

This manual is available through the Lynn Peavey Company
 at 1-800-255-6499


Our goal is to forge connections between law enforcement personnel who's duties include the processing of crime scenes.


Post Office Box 1081

Clayton, NC 27528


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